Science Exhibition
Through this exhibition, science is taken to the community to make them aware about how it impacts their lives and how it helps in leading a healthy life. Two types of exhibitions are created, one is a stationary exhibition and the second one is taken to public places; such as gardens, outside banks and offices, weekly haats (markets) at Dediyapada and public gatherings, wherever an opportunity is there. The exhibitions are done through flex prints and other models created to communicate about specific subjects, such as biodiversity, anti-superstition, astronomy, energy , solar energy, pollution and health. An exhibition called bio-corner is also developed, which is supported by Gujarat Energy Development Authority. Exhibitions are also done on locally rampant health issues like sickle cell and malnutrition. Community is given information about issues, along with explanations and solutions. Recent exhibitions on Covid 19 have helped in reaching more than 2000 people. About 60 exhibitions have been created so far, which has been beneficial to different people.