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About NCSC 2023-24

National Children's Science Congress (NCSC) is a nationwide Science Communication programme started in the year 1993. It is a programme of National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.

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NCSC 2023 – 2024

Ecosystems are the planet's life-support systems not only for humans but also for all other life-forms. Human survival has fundamental needs for food, water, clean air, shelter and regulated climatic condition. Other benefits derived from an ecosystem include full complement of species, intact watersheds, climate regulation and genetic diversity. Stress of any form on ecological balance, biodiversity, freshwater sources, food-producing systems and climate regulation cause major adverse impacts on health and well-being. Therefore, understanding ecosystem as life-support-system in terms of its components, interrelationships among the components, role and functions of abiotic and biotic factors, significance of food chain, energy dynamics, ecological services, biodiversity (genetic and species varieties) are very important to develop ecological literacy. Moreover, understanding human impacts on ecosystems affecting health and well-being are also quite important. It is essential to know how our activities disturb the ecosystem functions leading to various negative impacts on health and overall well-being. Hence, our daily activities at all levels need rectification and re-designing to reduce the negative impacts on ecosystem and thereby achieving ecosystem sustainability, health safety and security as well as well-being for all.


The focal theme will focus on the major following aspects by engaging children for inquiry-based learning applying methods of science in their own local contexts:

  • Exploring and understanding ecosystem(s) in their neighborhoods and taking initiatives for ecosystem conservation and restoration;

  • Making inquiry into the inter linkages of ecosystem with health, nutrition and well- being along with their implications;

  • Taking initiatives for experimentation, based on ecosystem approach, for local level natural resource management, farm and non-farm-based production, and finding out ways for food, nutrition and livelihood security, health safety, and developing resilience and adaptation towards climate change and disaster risk reduction.

  • Looking into innovative S&T solutions for ecosystem conservation and restoration, nutrition and health safety.

Keeping these major focuses in view, the focal theme has been divided into the following five sub-themes:

Sub-theme I: Know your ecosystem
Sub-theme II: Fostering health, nutrition and well-being
Sub-theme III: Social and cultural practices for ecosystem and health
Sub-theme IV: Ecosystem based approach (EBA) for self-reliance
Sub-theme V: Technological innovation for ecosystem and health

Key Dates for NCSC 2023 

Student Registration opening: 15st July 2023

Project prepration period: August & September 2023

NCSC District Level: 29th September 2023

NCSC State Level: 30th November 2023 


CONTACT NUMBER: +91 9316202232

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