New at CSC
Manthan Narmada Lok-Vigyan Kendra in with the support of GUJCOST keeps on getting involved and initiating new events. Some of the glimpses are as under:

Global Science Opera 2023-24
Unfolding the Universe
GSO is the first opera initiative in history to envision, produce and perform operas as a global community.
GSO is a global creative education initiative made possible through digital interactions and live-streaming.
GSO is a network of scientists, art institutions, schools, universities, and projects, in all of the inhabited continents.
GSO exists at the meeting point of science and art, of pupils and scientists, of all human cultures, of research and practice.
The 2023 Global Science Opera is called Unfold the Universe. It is inspired by images and informed by data collected by the James Webb Space Telescope, led by NASA. We are happy to be a part of it for the year 2023-24.
Asteroid Search Campaign
The International Astronomical Search Collaboration (IASC) is a citizen science program that provides high-quality astronomical data to citizen scientists around the world. These citizen scientists are able to make original astronomical discoveries and participate in hands-on astronomy. This service is provided at no cost!
Asteroid Search Campaigns are the primary focus of IASC. A "campaign" is a month-long event in which teams search for asteroids.